Big Weekend at the 2020 Toronto Boat Show

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If you haven’t been to this year’s Toronto Boat Show and you’re looking for something to do this weekend, then you might want to check it out. There’s an array of water vessels there that will blow your mind.

Ang, Pete, and Steve took a trip in and stopped by the Mercury and Princecraft booths to see what is new and exciting.

“I’m continuously blown away by the technology and new product that Merc and Princecraft put out every year,” says Ang, “a show like this puts all the current and pertinent products right in front of the consumer. We love staying on the cusp of new technology in the fishing world”.

Lots of fishing-oriented motors and fishing boats are at both booths but Princecraft’s big entry to this year’s booth is the Vogue 27RL.

“If you want luxury, style, and speed all in one fun package,” says Pete “then get your cheque book out, because this beauty is for you”.

The Vogue has pretty much everything. The RL stands for Rear Lounger. The back seat can convert from forward-facing, flat or rear-facing when lowering the rear rail.

Other features are a fold-away head/change room, built-in cooler, an electric wakeboard tower (excellent for going under low bridges), a superb stereo system, extremely comfortable and cushy seating, flashy LED lighting and the list goes on.

The Vogue 27RL a must-see if you’re visiting the show.

“We need one of these for our second boat” continues Steve “fishing in comfort, I’m all about that!”

Well, Steve’s wish probably won’t come true, but it never hurts to dream.

When you enter the Mercury booth, there is an ample amount of extremely knowledgeable representatives there to let you know what motor is right for you as well as all the latest technological advancements.

Then when you stroll over to the Princecraft booth, one of the sales reps can package out a Merc/Princecraft combo for you, write you up and you’ll be on your way to your best fishing season yet.

You probably won’t find better pricing than here.

Finally, while you’re there, you might as well check out the 3+ million-dollar Azimut yacht… it’s always nice to dream!

Great prices, great products and best of all, a great winter outing.

For info on Mercury, motors go here

For info on Princecraft boats go here

Fish'n Canada

The Fish’n Canada Show first aired in 1986 with phenomenal success. In 1988 the program went coast to coast on CBC, the first North American weekly fishing show to broadcast on a national network. In 1992 the show went into syndication adding Global Television Network, prominent CTV and affiliates, and several cable networks. The move resulted in unprecedented fishing audiences. With the addition of WFN U.S. and The Sportsman Chanel Canada today the Fish’n Canada show dominates the airwaves with a national weekly reach of 3.5 million and ama of over 450,000 easily making it one of the most-watched “outdoors” programs in North America.

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