Dead Salmon and Illegally Harvested Deer – Week in Review

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The Stories that Matter and the Fuel to your Bar Banter – Canadian Fishing and Hunting News from the Week of September 17th, 2021

Although news has never been so abundant, finding relevant and reliable stories has never been more difficult. Thankfully, Fish’n Canada has you covered. From Dead Salmon to Illegally Harvested Deer, here is everything you missed this week in the world of Canadian hunting and fishing!

1- Nearly 100,000 Salmon Reported Dead at Newfoundland Aquaculture Facility

Photo by Living Oceans

Some troubling news out of Newfoundland this week as roughly 93,000 salmon have been reported dead at a Mowi facility on the southern coast. Although this staggering figure would likely bring tears to many salmon anglers’ eyes, those unfamiliar with Mowi can be assured that these fish were bred purely for seafood, never to see open water, nor hook and line.

Regardless of these fish being farm-raised, this number is still staggering and far exceeds the 10% mortality threshold that requires the company to make the story public. Thankfully for those who enjoy seafood, the culprit behind this mass mortality was likely a mechanical issue, as oxygen levels in the tanks reportedly dropped dramatically on the day the fish expired.

For more on this story, check out the link below!

2 – Illegally Harvested Deer found After Distracted Driving Charge

The verdict is in on a 2020 deer poaching case, resurfacing the headlines that all hunters dread seeing come across their newsfeeds.

The incident took place back in November of 2020 when an Alberta couple was pulled over by a local conservation officer for talking on their cellphone while driving. Upon approaching the vehicle, the officer noticed a white-tailed doe in the back of the vehicle, tagged with resident Saskatchewan deer tags. Referencing the tags with the driver’s license, it was soon discovered that the couple had been illegally hunting in the neighbouring province and using false addresses to do so.

Nearly one year later, the Alberta residents have now pleaded guilty to a number of charges, including lying to a conservation officer, improperly tagging game, and misrepresenting their place of residence. The fines amounted to over $14,000 in fines between the company and a 3-year suspension in their hunting licences.

Let us know if you think the punishment fits the crime in the comments below!

For the full story, see:

3 – Fish are Mysteriously Dying in the Rigaud River

Another dead fish story was making headlines this week as the ministry looks into a mysterious fish kill in eastern Ontario’s Rigaud River.

The story began in early September when Christopher Brown, a resident of St-Eugène, Ontario, noticed a foul smell coming from the river. The river was described as smelling strongly of sewage and was apparently so strong that he was unable to open his windows.

After three days of stench, dead fish began being reported by local anglers and residents began taking notice of the river’s sudden decline. “In 32 years, I have never seen this,” said Brown in a French-language interview with Radio Canada. “It is a living river, but now it’s dead”.

The Ministry have since taken water samples and continues to investigate the case. The results of the sample are due within one to two weeks.

Let us know what you think caused this strange kill in the comments below.

For the full story, see:

Have a story we missed? Send us an email at [email protected]

Fish'n Canada

The Fish’n Canada Show first aired in 1986 with phenomenal success. In 1988 the program went coast to coast on CBC, the first North American weekly fishing show to broadcast on a national network. In 1992 the show went into syndication adding Global Television Network, prominent CTV and affiliates, and several cable networks. The move resulted in unprecedented fishing audiences. With the addition of WFN U.S. and The Sportsman Chanel Canada today the Fish’n Canada show dominates the airwaves with a national weekly reach of 3.5 million and ama of over 450,000 easily making it one of the most-watched “outdoors” programs in North America.

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