First blog for 2009

Hey everyone & happy new year!

I had an awesome time over the Christmas holidays; time well spent with the family. The kids got spoiled again this year, all I keep hearing is “DS”, “DS”, “DS”, “DS”… that thing is the instant shut up a kid invention!!! Give him (or her) a DS and you’ll have sanity for hours. The present buying hasn’t stopped for me yet though, today is Hunters 6th birthday… Happy Birthday Bud… the good thing is shopping will be easy, just get him some more DS games.

Spent New years eve at a wedding/new years party and I was really fun. My boys were in the wedding party and all the women loved them… yeah baby! Little suits on, hair spiked up, they were awesome. When it came time to dance Cole, my youngest guy’s only dance move was cartwheels… and I mean lots of them. I’ll bet he went for over an hour+ of pure wheeling.

I just got a hit on another blog about the acupuncture on my wrist so I thought I’d give you an update. I have what’s called “Avascular Necrosis of the Lunate bone” which means a bone in my wrist is dying. Apparently somehow through trauma/injury I have broken the blood flow to the bone… no blood, no life. I honestly can’t remember how I did it, all I know is the pain is sometimes unbearable! My doctor has hopefully referred me to Dr. John Binhammer at Sunnybrook but I hear the waiting list is ridiculous. 3 months to see him and who knows how long if in get surgery.  Anyone ever had Binhammer for a doc? I’ll keep you updates as things progress.

This season promises to be a good one. We’re working on more great shoots from coast to coast with multiple species. A couple we are really looking forward to are BC (hopefully a Bass/Sturgeon/Trout combo) and Lodge 88 in Ontario, the Walleye there look pretty healthy!

Did you have any favourite episodes of the Fish’n Canada’s 2008 season? If so, I’d really like to hear. It helps when setting up shoots for the future.

I’m going to try and do a couple of Bass Tourneys, probably the Casey Cup with Mike Miller again and maybe a couple of Quinte events???

Anyways great to talk with everyone and again thanks for reading and don’t hesitate to add to this or any blog.

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