Should We Fish Pre-Spawn Bass? | Outdoor Journal Radio ep. 120
This week on Outdoor Journal Radio, Ang and Pete are joined by Dr. Steven Cooke to get into the science of Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass, including a lengthy discussion on whether we should be fishing them before their spawn! First, however, a bit of housekeeping was in order. Topics discussed included: Fan mail from T. Nugent; our new hoodies; how golf course fish get so big; and strange things we've found in fish stomachs. With those matters out of the way, Dr. Cooke joins the show from his Quebec City hotel room! Topics discussed included: Chinese fish management; swimming with spawning bass; unenforceable laws; closing areas rather than seasons; Canada vs. USA bass management; how to avoid deep hooks; bass fatherhood; getting students to guard bass nests; and much more! To never miss an episode of Outdoor Journal Radio, be sure to like, subscribe, and leave a review on your favourite podcast app! Thank you to today's sponsor! Invasive Species Centre - Protecting Canada's land and water from invasive species