POLL: Do You Practice Catch And Release?

This week’s poll is one very close to Fish’n Canada’s heart: Do You Practice Catch And Release?

Let us know what you think by voting in the poll below. Be sure to leave a comment letting us know why you chose your answer!

Don’t forget to tune into the Livestream on Friday, September 4th at 12:00 PM to see the final results presented and discussed!

FINAL RESULTS – September 4th, 2020

Fish’n Canada’s Thoughts:

What a great poll (we say as we pat ourselves on the back)!

Unlike our previous polls, this one was hard to predict for us. Old school anglers in our age bracket have a much harder time grasping the benefits of catch and release compared to the youth of today. Let’s be honest here: Back when we were kids learning to fish, not many of our catches went back into the drink. In fact, we learned to fillet fish before we knew how to cook KD!

Thank God that mind frame has taken a turnabout! Had “catch and keep” remained the norm until today, fish stocks would most definitely be hurting on many bodies of water.

Do you remember back 30+ years ago, those two hard-working fishing dudes with all that dark, curly, crazy hair (well… at least one of them) creating one of the best-ever sayings in fishing?

“Catch your limit, but limit your catch.”

We continue to live by those words!

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Should We Be Eating Largemouth Bass? | Outdoor Journal Radio ep. 158

Check out Oliver on YouTube!    / @oliverngy     / @bigbassdreams   Thank you to the sponsors of today’s episode! This week on Outdoor Journal…
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