West Lake, Ontario

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Location: West Lake, Ontario
GPS: N43º 56.896′  W77º 14.887′
Species: Crappie

This Hotspot is the northeast corner of West Lake near Wellington, Ontario.

The Hotspot will take you to a small bay where there are several small feeder creeks coming in. Look for cattails and pencil reeds with dark bottom along this shoreline. Crappies frequent this shoreline and can be quite numerous in the spring. Look for stumps and overhanging trees near deeper pockets of water.

A float with a 1/32nd  or 1/16th oz tube jig is a safe bet. Remember to release more than you catch so others can enjoy the fast action these little scrappers provide.

[flexiblemap center=”43.948267,-77.248117″ width=”100%” zoom=”15″ title=”Fish’n Canada Hotspot” maptype=”satellite”]

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