The Status of our Moose Populations | Outdoor Journal Radio ep. 143

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This week on Outdoor Journal Radio, Ang and Pete are joined by Brent Patterson and Joe Northrup of the Ontario MNRF to get a status update on Ontario’s moose populations and to find out why/if they are in decline.

First, however, a bit of housekeeping was in order. Topics discussed included: three weeks on the road; The Trailer Park Boys; Vince McMahon; mouse traps; Fish’n Canada w/ Bob Izumi; Colin McKeown; tournament fishing etiquette; Great Whites in Nova Scotia; and rough fish episodes on The Fish’n Canada Show.

With those matters out of the way, Brent and Joe join the show! Topics discussed included: what is causing Ontario’s moose populations to decline; the logic behind calf tags; the European model of moose management; winter ticks; shooting collared moose; why more hunters makes moose hunting harder; the multi predator problem; how poaching is factored into assessing our population health; keeping road kill; and much more!

More from Angelo and Pete:

Thank you to the sponsors of today’s episode!
– The Invasive Species Centre: Protecting Canada’s land and water from invasive species
– SAIL: The Ultimate Destination for your Outdoor Adventures

Outdoor Journal Radio

Outdoor Journal Radio is Canada’s award-nominated and highest-ranking wilderness podcast. Drawing from their experience as two of Canada’s most prominent outdoor personalities, hosts Angelo Viola and Peter Bowman explore the environmental topics, issues, and events that matter to the everyday outdoorsman. Joined by a wide variety of guests, ODJ Radio seeks to answer the questions and tell the stories of all those who enjoy being outside.

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