'Video thumbnail for The Brains Behind Barotrauma | Outdoor Journal Radio ep. 105'

The Brains Behind Barotrauma | Outdoor Journal Radio ep. 105

visibility 1K views calendar_month Dec 2, 2024

This week on Outdoor Journal Radio, Ang and Pete are joined by Carleton University's Dr. Steven Cooke to get a scientist's perspective on the barotrauma controversy and to discuss the sudden distrust of fish science. First, however, a bit of housekeeping was in order. Topics discussed included: the danger of fishing in deep water; why Ang and Pete are not scientists; Ginos; why ice fishing content is hard to put on television; 40-foot wells; using drones to recover game; and underrated fish species. With those matters out of the way, Dr. Cooke joins the show! Topics discussed included: the role of anglers in fish science; the importance of context; Dr. Cooke's take on the now-famous crappie study; why barbs don't matter; jumping the scientific gun; whether catch and release through the ice is worth it; Forward Facing Sonar's role in science; the saviour of fishkind; Aaron's release method; whether or not fizzing is effective; and much more! To never miss an episode of Outdoor Journal Radio, be sure to like, subscribe, and leave a review on your favourite podcast app! More from Angelo and Pete: ► WEBSITE ► FACEBOOK ► INSTAGRAM ► YOUTUBE Thank you to today's sponsors! Invasive Species Centre - Protecting Canada's land and water from invasive species Coleman Canada - The Outside is Calling, Answer the Call. CANADIAN ANGLERS: Outdoor Journal Radio and the Invasive Species Centre are looking for your help in getting information about our invasive Goldfish population. Fill out the quick survey to help us keep our waters safe from invasive species!

#Biological Sciences
  # Fishing
  # Outdoors