Diaries of a Lodge Owner: Ep. 14 – Rockin’ w/ Rory Wardell

This week on the Outdoor Journal Radio Podcast  Network’s, Diaries of a Lodge Owner, we explore one of the most fundamental ingredients used in raising one’s vibration, building relationships and creating long-lasting memories and experiences. That ingredient… Music.

One of the traits that defines the human species above all others is our passion to make, listen, and enjoy music together, something we’ve been doing since the beginning of time. It is one of the keys to my success as a lodge owner, and once again, while I was enjoying a visit to the lodge, through music, I met and thoroughly enjoyed an evening with another musician and all around fantastically interesting guy. And I knew I had to introduce him to all of you.

Folks, meet Rory Wardell.

On this show, we talk about the power of music, the positive ways it affects everyone it touches, and how it has moulded us into the people we are today. We share stories of how music has bridged gaps and how it can and has created long-lasting memories in the minds of people in every facet of life.

So pull a stump and a six-string up round the old campfire as we pick, and you grin, and we get to know Rory Wardell!

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