Mea Culpa

How I Became The Anti-Christ of Fishing

One thing has become abundantly clear this past week; the Fish’n Canada brand no longer belongs exclusively to me and my family or the other team members here. Seven days ago, we published a blog that I authored and posted to all of the Fish’n Canada social media array.

The blog was an attempt to do my part in helping us rid ourselves of this scourge called COVID-19. With the upcoming opening of trout season (April 25th) in most parts of Ontario, I thought we as anglers should be proactive and postpone the opening until we have a better handle on when we can resume some sort of normality.


Our biggest concern was spreading the virus on opening night along the many tributaries that dump into our Great Lakes. Those of us not in denial all know the sh&$?t show that is opening of trout season in southern Ontario on the banks of the Ganny, Wilmot, and Credit to name a few. I thought that giving up fishing for a few more days or even weeks would be a small price to pay considering what we have all given up already.

Due to the reluctance of the government to suspend the trout opener, I thought the unselfish act from the angling community would be greatly appreciated by the folks who have lost family members, lost jobs, lost businesses, and have put their lives on the line every day as first responders.

Evidently, I thought wrong, and for that, I must apologize. I apologize to the good people who were exposed to the garbage and vile behavior of the handful of keyboard warriors that saw fit to violate the Fish’n Canada digital properties last Wednesday.

I apologize to the advertisers and supporters of the Fish’n Canada brand who were bombarded by these misguided souls at a time when our sponsors have far more pressing concerns, like the welfare of their employees and families.

But most importantly I apologize to those of you who were led to believe that the Fish’n Canada show has now somehow become anti-fishing.

To those people I say please read the blog again, I may be guilty of a lot of things but turning my back on fishing and the Fish’n Canada audience is not one of them.

Calling people that would not be willing to give up the trout opener, whiny, sniveling little brats, I admit may have been a little excessive. Not considering that the folks from remote parts of the province, where little to no fishing pressure is present, can, in fact, go fishing without violating the pandemic protocols.

To all of you that fall into these categories, my most sincere and heartfelt apologies.

Finally, to the keyboard Warriors (and I now know who you are) that started all of this I only ask that you reflect on your actions of last week and know that although we may not always agree with each other’s views and opinions we do have a commonality that bonds us, the love of the outdoors and the passion to fish, let us not tarnish those great qualities. If you are venturing out on Trout Opening, be safe and enjoy!

Thank you and be safe out there.

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