We start the show with host Angelo Viola expressing his opinion on the recent firing of Canadian celebrity and Hockey Night in Canada Host Don Cherry.
Brad Schlorff joins us from a remote location to talk about winter safety.
The Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research in Windsor, received a huge grant to create a genome library of the freshwater fish in Canada. Daniel Heath will join us to tell us what all this means and how it can contribute to the conservation of our fisheries.
The President…El Presidente… Jack Summers from Radioworld will join us to talk about the Toronto Sportsmen’ Shows.
The Chaga Mushroom king, Jerry Ouellette is back from moose hunting. If Jerry got a moose, then he was moose hunting. If not, and he found Chaga, the guys in his camp have been duped!
A couple of weeks ago, our guest from the Canadian Wildlife Service said that their study shows we lost 3 billion birds since 1970. And, some species are headed to extinction. I asked the question, how do you get the numbers? Today we have Yousif Attia from Bird Studies Canada joining us. The Christmas Bird Count is an annual event across Canada. We’ll find out more about the volunteer work that goes
into the field work.
Do we have wild pigs, feral pigs in Ontario? If so, are they established and what does that mean for farmers and for our natural environment? Jeremy Downe from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry will join us with that story.
The Doc is the award winning columnist and fishing editor for Outdoor Canada magazine, The best coast to coast hunting, fishing and outdoors magazine in the country. On this weeks show Gord explains why big fish need big fish habitat.