Did You Know? – St. Lawrence River Species

Did you know that giant Carp aren’t the only monsters lurking in the mighty St. Lawrence?

In addition to being a newly minted mecca for Carp enthusiasts, the St. Lawrence is home to dozens of other fish species worthy a place in your net and, indeed, your personal Hall of Fame.

As one of Canada’s premier bass fisheries, it’s no surprise that the St. Lawrence boasts a number of prestige Bass tournaments, attracting die-hard sports anglers from all over to set their hooks on some enormous Bass.

And let’s not forget the behemoth muskies that can be caught just a stone’s throw away from our Carp tournament site! The depths of the St. Lawrence conceal potential record-breaking Muskellunge, just waiting for a chance at your bait.

The St. Lawrence is a multi-species smorgasbord that offers something for anglers of all types—from newcomers and hobbyists to cutthroat tournament anglers and trophy hunters looking to break their own personal records.

Just another reason to Go Fish in Ontario!

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