Calling Lake, Alberta

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Location: Calling Lake, Alberta
GPS: N 55° 13.443, W 113° 21.974
Species: Walleye

This Hotspot is a fast-breaking drop off of what’s referred to as Volkswagen Point on Calling Lake in Alberta. The waypoint will put you right on it!

It’s easy to recognize because there’s literally an old broken down Volkswagen on the shore almost directly opposite the waypoint. When we were there we used jigs and dead minnows—remember, live minnows aren’t allowed here—and caught an incredible amount of quality Walleye. As a matter of fact, we believe it’s the most double-headers we’ve ever caught on one spot!

For info on fishing Calling Lake, contact Ray at Reel Angling Adventures.

[flexiblemap center=”55.224050,-113.366233″ width=”100%” zoom=”15″ title=”Fish’n Canada Hotspot” maptype=”satellite”]

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