Mazinaw Lake, Ontario

Location: Mazinaw Lake, Ontario
GPS: N 44° 51.204, W 77° 10.281
Species: Panfish

This Panfish Hotspot is a tiny portion of the massive Mazinaw Lake, which is a great place to teach kids the finer points of fishing. It’s important to remember when fishing with kids that it’s all about catching lots of fish—not necessarily big ones. Trust us when we tell you: As long as they’re catchin’, they’re happy!

Try fishing in three to eight feet of water. When fishing with kids, live bait is always our #1 choice (worms, minnows, leeches), either under a float or still-fished below the boat. Be sure of all local live bait regulations as per the MNRF laws.

[flexiblemap center=”44.853400, -77.171350″ width=”100%” zoom=”15″ title=”Fish’n Canada Hotspot” maptype=”satellite”]

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