Pigeon Lake, Ontario

Location: Pigeon Lake, Ontario
GPS: N44º 34.499′  W78º 30.384′
Species: Muskie

We’re getting back into muskie time and we’re heading back to one of Ontario’s premiere muskie lakes, Pigeon Lake. This waypoint isn’t that far from one of our previous Hotspots, but we did want to add it in. Since the water is somewhat deeper, you can expect to see and catch larger fish here.

Trolling is a great method here. As for presentation, big bass-size to medium muskie-size spinnerbaits get our nod here. And don’t be afraid to get that lure close to the boat!

[flexiblemap center=”44.574983,-78.506400″ width=”100%” zoom=”15″ title=”Fish’n Canada Hotspot” maptype=”satellite”]

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