A study warns Asian carp could become the most common fish in Lake Erie

Our Fish’n Canada & Outdoor Journal Radio research teams are always on the lookout for stories that will keep you informed on issues that can affect your outdoors. Below is a great piece we dug up on the Asian Carp Invasion that should be of interest to all anglers and non-anglers alike:

A new study published recently by The Canadian Press warns that Asian carp could be the common fish in Lake Erie in years to come. This study is based on computer modeling project that bighead and silver carp, eventually could make up about 34% of the total fish weight in Lake Erie, this lake already has the most fish of the five Great Lakes.

This Computer Model was conducted by scientists with several universities and government agencies in the U.S and Canada. If the Asian carp are successful in entering Lake Erie species like Walleye and Rainbow trout along with prey species like gizzard shad and emerald shiners could all decline. The Study shows that Smallmouth Bass will increase by up to 16%.

Photo by umich.edu
Photo by umich.edu

The study is the first to use a food-web model to examine the likely impacts of bighead and silver carp in Lake Erie.

A paper summarizing the findings was published online Dec. 30 in the journal Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.

Listen to the Outdoor Journal Radio Show Interview with Dr. Cory Suski Assistant Professor of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies at University of Illinois talking to Angelo Viola about How he might have found a away to keep Asian carp out of our waters

Listen to the Outdoor Journal Radio Show Interview with Dilhari Fernando Executive Director of the  Invasive Species Centre talking to Angelo Viola about Asian carp in our Great Lakes also some other Invasive Species.

What do you think we should do to try and keep Asian carp out of our waters?

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