Ugly Pike Podcast Episode 142: Pete Maina (Part 1)

Muskie fishing pioneer Pete Maina comes back onto the show to talk all things muskies with the guys. Straight out of the birthplace of American muskie fishing, Hayward WIsconsin, Pete calls in to talk about what and how he is doing this season. It is always a real thrill when we get to chat with Pete and this discussion, much like the last episode with Pete was both fun and informative. In this episode we discuss:

  • The perception by some of muskies as inconvenience/nuisance predators
  • Pete’s recent trip to Lake of the Woods
  • How fisheries across the US differ from one another in terms of both angling approach & culture
  • How Pete breaks down and explores new water to find spots
  • What to do when fish aren’t moving or biting
  • Stepping into the mind of a muskie

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Thank you to the sponsors of today’s episode!– The Invasive Species Centre: Protecting Canada’s land and water from invasive species– SAIL: The Ultimate…
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