An FNC Pandemic Moment

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Pandemic moment

Hey guys,

If there is a bright side to this temporary madness called self-isolation, it’s that it gives us time to reflect and appreciate some of the things that we have been taking for granted for far too long.

For over thirty years, Pete and I have been blessed to share our love for fishing and the great outdoors with Canadians coast to coast every Saturday morning as hosts of the Fish’n Canada Show. We owe this privilege to you, our loyal fans; you truly are our extended family, a family that is now four generations deep.

But none of this would have been possible if not for another group of family members, our tremendous corporate partners. We sometimes forget that without them, there is no Fish’n Canada Show.

So, for the next few weeks, as we endure this lockdown imposed on us by COVID-19, we are going to produce little video tributes like this one as our way of saying thanks to our sponsors and advertisers, who are all suffering through this pandemic with us.

We humbly ask you to share these videos with as many people as you can and, if possible, even reach out to these loyal Fish’n Canada partners. Let them know that you appreciate their support of the outdoors and Fish’n Canada. Sometimes a little goes a long way.

Thank you, and stay safe.

Angelo Viola

ANGELO VIOLA is one of Canada’s most recognized and respected outdoor enthusiasts. His passion for the outdoors and skills as a creative director / producer have served him well crafting a broadcasting career in TELEVISION and RADIO that spans over 30 years. His relentless pursuit of the ultimate adventure and the ability to share the moment with audiences landed him the “best jobs in the world”, co host of The Fish’n Canada Show, The Outdoor Journal Television Show and Outdoor Journal Radio. In 2010 Angelo was inducted into the Canadian Angler Hall Of Fame making him a true fishing legend.

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