Great Ontario Get-Away Give-Away: Frequently Asked Questions

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I’m having issues registering my account, what do I do?

This question is a tricky one to answer when we aren’t able to see exactly what your problem is.

  1. First and foremost, be sure to look over every field before you submit. It’s easy to miss one, and if all of the mandatory fields aren’t filled out it won’t allow you to proceed.
  2. Be sure you don’t already have an account associated with the email you are attempting to register. We will often find that some users forget they may have made an account in the past.
  3. If you are still having issues your best bet is to reach out to our support team by either emailing [email protected] or [email protected]. If possible, include as many details about your issue as you can. If you know how to take screenshots, they would be invaluable in helping us resolve your problem.

I can’t remember my password

Passwords are a pain in the butt to remember, we get that. If you are having trouble remembering your password, you can use the “Lost your password?” button to have a reset email sent to the email you use for your account.

However, if when you are getting this error:

Error: There is no account with that username or email address.

That means that either you are incorrectly entering your email or username, or you may not actually have an account on our website (see below for solutions to that).

My email is not recognized

Many users have been told that their email is not recognized when trying to log in. This may be because you do not have an account on our website. The contests that we have run in the past such as the Garmin Panoptix Fishing Bundle or the Boat, Motor and Trailer Contest did not require you to have an account. If you try to sign in using the email that you entered with you will then get this error.

Be sure to register a new account using that email before you try and enter. If you run into any issues setting up your account, please email [email protected].

Why can’t I upload my photo?

Originally the maximum size for photo upload was 1 MB. We have recently increased that to 5 MB in an effort to make it easier to upload photos from your phone or computer.

Unfortunately, this will not guarantee that your image will be small enough to upload. If you run into this issue, please email us your photo at [email protected] and we can either upload it for you or reduce it in size enough for you to upload it yourself.

How do I enter the contest?

Entering the contest is easy! After you have registered an account just navigate to the contest page and click “Submit Your Entry”. Just follow the onscreen prompts and if you run into any issues that are not covered in this FAQ, send us an email at [email protected]

Is this contest only open to residents of Ontario?

This contest is open to all legal residents of Canada.

Why is this contest encouraging travel during a pandemic?

The contest is only encouraging travel when it is safe to do so. The trips are meant to be fulfilled by 2022, allowing more time for pandemic measures to be lifted and safe travel to resume.

Why would I vote for other users’ photos if I want to win?

We understand that on the surface that might sound counter-intuitive but voting for other contestants is actually another way to win. At the end of the 5-month contest period we are going to have a number of trips leftover to giveaway. We have decided that the best way to give them away would be a random draw from the pool of contestants that have yet to win.

We plan to facilitate this draw similarly to our previous contests. You will earn a ballot in the random draw for each vote you cast during the duration of the contest. Therefore, the more votes you cast the higher your chance of winning.  

Fish'n Canada

The Fish’n Canada Show first aired in 1986 with phenomenal success. In 1988 the program went coast to coast on CBC, the first North American weekly fishing show to broadcast on a national network. In 1992 the show went into syndication adding Global Television Network, prominent CTV and affiliates, and several cable networks. The move resulted in unprecedented fishing audiences. With the addition of WFN U.S. and The Sportsman Chanel Canada today the Fish’n Canada show dominates the airwaves with a national weekly reach of 3.5 million and ama of over 450,000 easily making it one of the most-watched “outdoors” programs in North America.

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