Salmon on Thanksgiving???

Looking for something to do this Thanksgiving weekend? 

How about a trip to a small town that has a flourishing population of migrating Chinook Salmon ripping up and through the downtown area?

These last few days of early autumn rainfall have triggered the Chinook Salmon that reside in Lake Ontario to start that late-season migration up the many tributaries that feed this giant body of water.

Port Hope just happens to be one of the best towns to catch this annual spectacle. Of course, we are talking about the Ganaraska River salmon run which is going on right now and will continue through the holiday weekend. As you can see from the image above, people flock to the area and take up some “bank or bridge” real estate, all while enjoying the view. Where else can you watch one of mother nature’s strangest and most spectacular phenomenon play out right at your feet?

While in Port Hope, why not take a stroll through the downtown area and visit all the quaint and unique stores.

And finally, we dare you to pass by the Dreamers Cafe and not stop in for one of their famous Crazy Cookies… or a date square… or a donut or a… trust us, you need to sample the goods and maybe wash it down with a nice cappuccino!

Happy Thanksgiving to all, be safe and enjoy the festivities! 

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