Poachers Beware, The Public Is On To You!

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Help Stop Poaching

As we wrote in a previous Fish’n Canada article pertaining to poaching, for every one case solved, many go unsolved.

Our quote there was “Of course, for every poaching crime committed, there is only a small number where the perpetrators are caught and prosecuted. We bet there are 10+ times that many committed that are never seen by anyone.”

I just came across a page (see below) while browsing the Ontario MNRF site and I feel it’s important for everyone to take a look at, in case you happen to know something or someone that can help move our Conservation officers in a forward direction.

Every year, the MNRF is in contact with thousands upon thousands of people while replying to tips on cases. Sometimes these tips come up positive and lead to further investigations and even arrests and sometimes they come up blank. Either way, communications with our CO’s or with your local MNRF office is a good idea.

I often hear negativity in the fishing and hunting communities as to “why should I call the ministry, I never see a Game Warden in the field…ever!”

That’s a bad attitude, and once said aloud or posted on a social site, can give many anglers and hunters negative thoughts, as to doing the right thing. No matter what your thoughts are as to the amount of CO’s in the field, it’s still up to you and the rest of the fishing and hunting community to stand up and do their part in calling if you see an infraction. One arrest is better than none.

Please take a look at this web page on the Ontario MNRF’s site. Make sure after reading the page that you click on at least one of the red markers on the included map. This is an ingenious way of getting information out to the public (well done MNRF). If this page gives you any idea at all as to how to help, then please take action.

If you are from other provinces, please look for similar pages and let me know below in the comments if you find them.

As we have said before, if you encounter a poaching crime in the wild or on the water, please call the following numbers:

Alberta: 1-800-642-3800

British Columbia: 1-877-952-7277

Manitoba: 1-800-782-0076

New Brunswick: 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)

North West Territories: 1-866-762-2437

Nova Scotia: 1-800-565-2224

Nunavut: (867) 975-4642

Ontario: 1-877-TIPS MNR (1-877-847-7667) or Crimestoppers 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)

PEI: 902-368-4884

Quebec: 1 800 463-2191

Saskatchewan: 1-800-667-7561, #5555

Yukon: 1-800-661-0525

Pete Bowman

Pete, one of the most revered and popular anglers in the nation, has a tremendous love for the game… the fishing game. Pete’s vast knowledge of angling and ability to articulate it to audiences worldwide has endeared him to his fans who still see Pete as just “ONE OF THE BOYS”. Pete is also an accomplished and published outdoor writer and photographer as well as a sought-after speaker. In 2012 another of Pete’s ultimate fishing career highlights occurred when he was inducted into the Canadian Angler Hall Of Fame, something he never thought would happen. A Canadian fishing icon.

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