POLL: Are You For or Against the Cormorant Cull?

This week’s poll is a question that is creating controversy in Ontario: Are You For or Against the Cormorant Cull?

Let us know what you think by voting in the poll below. Be sure to leave a comment letting us know why you chose your answer!

Don’t forget to tune into the Livestream on Tuesday, September 29th at 6:00 PM to see the final results presented and discussed!

FINAL RESULTS – September 29th, 2020

Fish’n Canada’s Thoughts:

Yay team! Er, sorry… we meant, “Hmmm, interesting.”

Let’s be honest here: The only two solid facts we know about Cormorants are they eat the hell out of fish stocks and they destroy the hell out of beautiful landscapes.

Since we are primarily a fishing website and put this poll up for our users, the outcome was fairly predictable. Especially when it comes to opinions on a living creature whose sole survival food is fish. Had an anti-hunting/fishing group posted this poll, it most certainly would have gone the other way.

Cormorants are an invasive species that, ironically, have been protected for years. Are Asian Carp protected in North America? Of course not. Are wild boars protected throughout the world? No sir. The reason being, they are in one way or another destructive—just like the Cormorant. So, the question arises, why have they been protected for so many years?

Our own question pertaining to the poll results is: Of the 12% who voted against the Cormorant cull, how many know of the devastation and havoc this creature brings upon Mother Nature, and how many of that 12% are regular users of this fishing website?

We’d like to know.

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Should We Be Eating Largemouth Bass? | Outdoor Journal Radio ep. 158

Check out Oliver on YouTube!    / @oliverngy     / @bigbassdreams   Thank you to the sponsors of today’s episode! This week on Outdoor Journal…
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