Top 5 Reasons to Visit a Fishing Lodge in 2021

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With the “well, I never saw that coming” year of 2020 pretty much behind us, we thought that giving our readers some ideas and encouragement regarding the 2021 fishing season might put a smile on a face or two. Although we are again tumbling in reverse (provincial lockdown’s etc.) we are going to be 100% optimistic that the summer of 2021 will allow us all some freedom and the ability to get out there and hit the water once again.

Yes, we realize the pandemic is far from being completely over, however, when travel restrictions ease up, and with all Covid protocols still being responsibly adhered to by travelling anglers, this could be the year to do something “different” in the fishing world. Correction, your fishing world! 

Without further ado, here are the 5 reasons to visit a fishing lodge in 2021!

  1. Help support Canadian businesses during these trying times
  2. Best experience you’ll ever share with family or friends
  3. Create our own fishing legends
  4. There will never be a better excuse than Covid 19
  5. It will take the wrinkles out of your soul

1. Help support a Canadian business

It’s a commonly known fact that Tourism and Tourism related businesses have been severely impacted since the global pandemic first reared its ugly head in 2019. Airlines, hotels, curse ships, car rentals, and restaurants are the more obvious ones but in Ontario as well as the rest of the country our resource-based tourism, fishing lodges, hunt camps, fly-in outposts, floatplane, and airbase operators are in dire straits due to covid 19.

In a recent survey conducted by NOTO (Nature and Outdoor Tourism Ontario) 54% of the operators in Northern Ontario were unsure if they would be able to stay in business through 2021. By booking a trip to an Ontario fishing lodge this year we can do our part in helping save some of these generational and iconic Canadian businesses.

2. Share an unforgettable experience with family or friends

Whether you’ve done it before or you’re contemplating being a first-timer, going to a fishing lodge with family or friends is like no other vacation experience imaginable. The bonds and connections made in a fishing boat on a wilderness lake or sitting around a late-night campfire telling stories are unforgettable. Sipping on that early morning cup of java listening to the haunting shrills of a distant loon takes on a whole other meaning when you share it with a loved one. These special wilderness moments define relationships for years to come. Memories of that great fishing day or amazing shore lunch will last forever.

3. Create your own fishing legends

Buck Lake
An aerial view of Buck Lake, very typical of northern Ontario. So much water to cover.

There’s nothing that will top the feeling you get knowing that you are fishing in water that is truly wild. If you’ve never been, this experience of fishing were few, if any have fished before, is going to be totally different than anything you’ve ever done. The fishing is easier, it’s totally laid back and chances are you’ll go home having made contact with your new personal best. Whether it’s a drive-to, train-to, or a fly-in, the minute you reach your destination you instantly know you are about to create a fishing legend.  Exploring untouched waters, Wildlife encounters, northern lights, and star-filled skies will just be bookends to your daily fishing adventures.

4.The perfect excuse is COVID-19

With all the global disarray that has been brought on by the pandemic, there’s never been a better time to just say “the hell with it!” Leave it all behind. Whether it’s by yourself or with family or friends a trip north to a fishing lodge will give you a new perspective on life and help deal with some of the drudgeries of living in the 21st century. No, it certainly won’t resolve all of today’s issues, but it will go a long way towards getting your priorities in order.

5. Take the wrinkles out of your soul

There aren’t many words to describe “reason 5 for taking a trip to a fishing lodge this year” other than to say a fishing trip to a lodge is probably the best medicine you could take for both body and soul during these crazy times!

So, there you have it, five reasons to visit a Canadian fishing lodge in the upcoming season. This winter is the perfect time to investigate different locations as well as the packages available. Hit that internet, make a few phone calls or fire out a bunch of emails. Lodge operators will gladly assist you in answering each and every question you may have.

Take care & travel safe

Angelo Viola

ANGELO VIOLA is one of Canada’s most recognized and respected outdoor enthusiasts. His passion for the outdoors and skills as a creative director / producer have served him well crafting a broadcasting career in TELEVISION and RADIO that spans over 30 years. His relentless pursuit of the ultimate adventure and the ability to share the moment with audiences landed him the “best jobs in the world”, co host of The Fish’n Canada Show, The Outdoor Journal Television Show and Outdoor Journal Radio. In 2010 Angelo was inducted into the Canadian Angler Hall Of Fame making him a true fishing legend.

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