Did You Know? – Fish Stocking Program

Did you know that the Brook Trout is not classified as a Trout? It actually belongs to the Char family, along with its cousins the Lake Trout, Dolly Varden, Bull Trout and the Arctic Char. A unique biological fact in the world of the Brook Trout is that they only spawn in natural spring water. They don’t need it to live, but they won’t reproduce without it.

Through studies, Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry will find non-spring fed lakes that have cool, clean water, where they can stock Brook Trout for what’s known as a “Put-and-Take Fishery”. Simply stated, the biologists put ’em in and the anglers take ’em out. It’s a system that has worked for many years.

The Brook Trout’s average lifespan is around five years. This is when they reach their maximum size. So if there was a stocking that took place four to five years prior to your fishing trip… the potential for a giant brookie is fantastic.

For a comprehensive list of trophy Brook Trout fishing spots in Ontario, be sure to visit GoFishinOntario.com.


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