Did You Know? – Star Gazing

Did you know that there are only 2.3 people per square kilometre in the 22,000 square kilometres that make up the Algoma wilderness? That’s why the fishing is so amazing. And that’s why something else up here is also just as amazing—and that’s the darkness.

Cities and towns generate a lot of light and create a glow in the sky, making it difficult to see all but the brightest stars. In Algoma, with so few people around, the ground is dark, so the stars in the night sky are absolutely spectacular. As would happen at Buck Lake Wilderness Lodge, after a long day of catching trophy fish and having a delightful dinner, the pot of gold at the end of that particular rainbow would be sitting back in a comfortable lounge chair out on the dock and gazing up at that unbelievable Algoma sky.

Just another reason to Go Fish in Ontario!

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