Fish Talk – In Praise of Power

Hiya folks,

I want to talk to you today about “In Praise of Power.”

If you lift up the rod locker of most pro anglers and look at the rods, you’re gonna see powerful rods. Long, powerful, graphite rods. The cork handles are gonna be worn smooth and you’re gonna see lots of sweat embedded on them.

Now, contrast that with most recreational anglers. Look at their rods: They’re weak, they’re limp, and they’re like spaghetti; they bend over like noodles. The biggest reason most folks miss fish? The barb isn’t set into the skin of the fish’s mouth. You can only do that with a powerful rod. So don’t over finesse, don’t always buy weak, limp rods. Do what the pros do—go for strength, go for power, set with authority, and you’re gonna land more fish than you ever thought possible.

Happy Fish’n,Gord “The Doc” Pyzer

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