Where Carrot Stix Got Their Name

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Have you heard of the fishing rod called Carrot Stix? Of course you have!

But did you know that the name Carrot Stix comes from “Nanocellulose Bio-Fibres”? Well, it’s true, because these bio-fibres (that are used to make the fishing rod tighter and more responsive) actually come from real carrots. Thus, the name Carrot Stix!

You see, these fibres are added to the bonding matrix to create a super strong bond called “bio-polymer”. This pulp is considered to be an agricultural waste product, so the nano-fibres that result from this process are highly sustainable, bio-degradable and eco-friendly.

The rods also use Nano Silica technology which is nano-size micro-spheres of silica that, when added to the special resin, improves compression strength up to 75 percent, making the blank even more durable without adding weight.

This also dampens vibration, letting you cast straighter and farther than ever before—especially with the microwave guide system they’re equipped with.

Carrot Stix Rods has won more than 47 awards since being introduced in 2007 when it won the “Best Product of the Year” and the “Most Innovative Product” awards at ICAST, the fishing industries version of the Oscars.

Angelo Viola

ANGELO VIOLA is one of Canada’s most recognized and respected outdoor enthusiasts. His passion for the outdoors and skills as a creative director / producer have served him well crafting a broadcasting career in TELEVISION and RADIO that spans over 30 years. His relentless pursuit of the ultimate adventure and the ability to share the moment with audiences landed him the “best jobs in the world”, co host of The Fish’n Canada Show, The Outdoor Journal Television Show and Outdoor Journal Radio. In 2010 Angelo was inducted into the Canadian Angler Hall Of Fame making him a true fishing legend.

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