Infamous Walleye Cheater Now Accused of Poaching Deer

As if stuffing lead weights, fish parts, and who knows what else, into Walleye that were about to be weighed in a tournament wasn’t enough. One of the charged and convicted cheaters in the September/22 Lake Erie Walleye Trail scandal has now moved on to criminal activities in the deer hunting world.

Chase Cominsky had recently been accused of poaching deer in Pennsylvania. On Oct. 23, he was charged with eight counts of wildlife crimes. The root of these charges came from accusations by someone who knew Cominsky and reported he killed a number of whitetail deer bucks all while hunting out of season, after legal shooting hours, and without a license (according to The Herald.)

Game wardens had followed up on the accusations and found five mounted bucks that had either been shot and killed at night during non-hunting hours or deer that were tagged in another person’s name, all of which are illegal. 

Cominsky certainly emits the traits of a frequent flying, lifelong criminal. Here is some more interesting info:

  • He has been banned from hunting in Pennsylvania since 2008 due to prior game law violations.
  • The viral Walleye incident in which Cominsky had pleaded guilty in March to cheating and unlawful ownership of wild animals.
  • In October 2022, Cominsky was charged with stalking and harassing a woman after he allegedly sent her a harassing text message and followed her. Those charges were withdrawn.
  • In February, Chase Cominsky, along with Kayden Cominsky, his 18-year-old son, were charged with conspiracy to commit forgery and related charges after they passed fake $100 bills in a bowling alley.

Read the entire story here: 

A great lesson here is this is an excellent reminder to report any poaching incident you may see to either your local Department of Natural Resources, the DFO (Fisheries and Oceans Canada), or your local police department. Your call could save the lives of many wild creatures.

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