Port Hope Trout Opener Shut Down Again for 2021

Well good fishing friends, the opening day syndrome is again about to commence in all parts where applicable. Opening day fishing is more than fishing, it’s about the get-together along with the fishing. It’s where family and or great friends can bond in the outdoors.

Unfortunately, Mr. and/or Mrs. Covid took away many of our 2020 openers. For us, this took place in the province of Ontario. Boat launches were blockaded or roped off, marinas were forced to close and access to public water was yellow taped off with “caution” plastered every couple of feet. Unfortunately, the process is again starting to rear its ugly head.

The 2020 “opening day” on the Ganaraska River in Port Hope. In all our time, we have never seen this… not a sole on the river.

Last year we did a few web articles pertaining to the town of Port Hope shutting down access to the banks of the Ganaraska River, one of the province’s premier Steelhead tributaries. It is also one of the most easily accessed “premiere” fisheries in the country.

We even did a Fish’n Canada live webcast including an extensive interview with Jim McCormack, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Culture for the Municipality of Port Hope about this type of shut down.

Well unfortunately Port Hope has again recently announced the access shutdown to this phenomenal fishery for the 2021 opener date. They have broken it down into two phases:

Effective Friday, April 9, 2021 closure of properties south of the railway tracks (excluding the beaches), the municipal boat launch and the Fishway.

Friday, April 23, 2021 (to align with the start of the Trout fishing season) closure of the remainder of municipal properties that border the Ganaraska River from Molson Street South to Lake Ontario.

Port Hope mayor Bob Sanderson is again saddened by the announcement but says it needs to be done stating “our priority is the health and wellness of our residents”.

Here is the full, official Port Hope announcement

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