Top 5 Musky Baits From Musky Fishing Experts

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Musky Baits

The Musky (or Muskellunge) is unquestionably the number one apex predator when it comes to North America’s lakes and rivers.

Yes, fish like Sturgeon are much bigger and stronger (sometimes), giant Lake Trout have been documented eating eight-pounders of their own species, Northern Pike school up and slash anything in their way; however, there’s no comparison to the all-round nastiness when it comes to the musky. When you hear stories of someone’s little pet dog Fluffy being engulfed from the lake’s surface, that pretty much sums it up.

Musky anglers are also a breed on their own. They take fishing to the next level: multiple rod-and-reel combos at about a thousand to fifteen-hundred bucks a pop (don’t let the wives read this); trolling speeds in and around (and sometimes over) fives miles per hour; weather conditions that would put the average angler in the cottage beside the fire; and, finally, throwing lures and baits all day long that only England’s strongman Eddie Hall should be able to handle.

We get the question: “What is the best musky lure” quite often. So we asked two of our favourite musky fishing experts (Gord Pyzer and John Anderson) what they throw with the most confidence when stalking “the fish of 10,000 casts.”

Here are the Top 5 Musky Baits they recommend:

Top 5 Musky Baits


Gord “The Doc” Pyzer lives in Kenora, Ontario, home of “Husky the Musky” and, more importantly, in the heart of musky country. He’s a multi-species expert but has an extreme fondness for the Muskellunge. Lately, Gord has been accompanied by his grandson Liam who is genuinely turning into one of the best all-round young anglers in the country.

Here are three—yup, you heard it right, THREE—of Gord’s Top Musky Baits (as written by Gord):

Mepps Musky Killer

This one might surprise you because it is so old school, but the original Mepps Musky Killer is lethal when the season first opens. Musky anglers will tell you the big toothy critters prefer smaller lures early in the season because they’re eating smaller bait. Nonsense. The reason smaller lures work so well is that you can retrieve them much faster and keep them moving just under the surface. Oh yes, all the colour combinations work well, so long as it has a silver blade and white bucktail.

Bondy Bait

The best day of musky fishing I have ever enjoyed was on the Detroit River with guide Jon Bondy. We caught fifteen muskies in as many hours, including four Incredible Hulks in the forty-pound-plus fish-of-a-lifetime category. Even most of the “smaller” fish tipped the scales at more than thirty pounds. And every one of them fell to a vertically jigged Bondy Bait. I never leave home without at least one rod rigged with one.

Water Wolf Lures Shadzilla 

The Shadzilla is one of my key “go-to” musky baits when I am fishing shallow structures (underwater points, saddles and rock piles) that lie adjacent to deep water. I love the way you can cast it up shallow and swim it back to the boat while banging it through the rocks, but then let it flutter and fall when it reaches the transition zone between deep and shallow. That is also when so many of the big fish hit. I think they follow it out and then smack it when it makes the desperate directional change. I’ve gotta confess, too, the paddle tail and side-to-side wobble make it an excellent bait for converting follows.

Ang’s Opinion On Gord’s Choices

When “the Doc” speaks, people need to listen. I absolutely love Gord’s above choices as they cover a really nice range of musky bait types. The smaller inline spinner is an absolute beast in the early season. We’ve caught lots of big Esox on these (all year long, in fact). The Bondy bait may look a little strange (okay, a lot strange), but its success in fish production is not at all strange. It’s’sIt’s’s a fantastic river bait that I can’t wait to try on Lake St. Francis (St. Lawrence River). Finally, the Shadzilla. If you have used one, you’ll know exactly what Gord is talking about when referring to the side-to-side wobble. If you haven’t tried one, do it!

Note – Outdoor Canada Magazine Fishing Editor Gord Pyzer is widely regarded as Canada’s most scientific angler. Known in fishing circles as Doctor Pyzer, he worked for 30 years as a senior manager with Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources before devoting all his energies to fishing. A member of the Canadian Angler Hall of Fame, the award-winning writer is also an internationally sought out speaker, tournament angler and field editor with In-Fisherman Magazine and Television. Catch Gord on the Outdoor Journal Radio Show live every Saturday morning 8:05AM EST. If you’re in southern Ontario, tune your radio to Sportsnet 590 The FAN AM or visit and listen live online.


Pete Bowman

Pete, one of the most revered and popular anglers in the nation, has a tremendous love for the game… the fishing game. Pete’s vast knowledge of angling and ability to articulate it to audiences worldwide has endeared him to his fans who still see Pete as just “ONE OF THE BOYS”. Pete is also an accomplished and published outdoor writer and photographer as well as a sought-after speaker. In 2012 another of Pete’s ultimate fishing career highlights occurred when he was inducted into the Canadian Angler Hall Of Fame, something he never thought would happen. A Canadian fishing icon.

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