Our Authors / Will Muschett

WILLIAM MUSCHETT “is an all-around carp nut.” Having been an avid angler since his youth, Will discovered his love for carp fishing while pursuing his undergraduate at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario. Surrounded by the beautiful Kawartha’s and with the Otonabee River flowing right through the middle of the campus loaded with carp and a myriad of other species, Will brought a fishing rod with him, and the rest is like his major, history! Today, Will is an avid carp angler, advocate for conservation, and an educator that believes in experiential learning. His presence on social media through such networks as Instagram, and YouTube have helped him share this passion with the world and, like the teacher he is, inform and guide people towards success and making memories to last a lifetime.

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Baitrunner Reels VS Big Pit Reels for Carp: The Great Carp Gear Battle

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