More Illegal Hunting Charges

From the newsroom of Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

Poachers don’t seem to be slowing down. From our latest news post on the Walleye Cheater recently caught poaching in the big game world, to this latest story.

Marc Wiercigroch of Ayton, a municipality of West Grey, Grey County in Ontario, pleaded guilty to hunting a cow moose without a license and abandoning the moose, allowing the meat to spoil. 

On September 6, 2023, Justice of the Peace Nancy Tulloch heard the case in the Ontario Court of Justice in Thunder Bay, charged Wiercigroch and fined him $8,000, had his hunting license suspended for one year, and was required to re-attend the Ontario Hunter Education Program.

The story goes that Wiercigroch had been hunting for moose in the Thunder Bay area and had mistakenly shot two cow moose when his group had only one cow tag. Instead of reporting this to conservation officers, Wiercigroch and his hunting party fled the area, allowing the moose to spoil.

It’s important that if you are a part of a scenario like the above, to call the local MNRF and report the incident.

If you see any kind of infraction, please call the ministry TIPS line toll free at 1-877-847-7667 or Crime Stoppers (anonymously) at 1-800-222-TIPS. Your call can make a difference.

The Outdoor Journal Radio Podcast on Spotify as well as Apple is definitely going to be covering these, as well as so much more in an upcoming “poaching” podcast… should be a hot one so stay tuned.

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