Fish Talk – Go Figure

Hiya folks,

Gord Pyzer here, for Outdoor Canada Magazine.

Go figure. What am I talking about? If you can’t figure 8 properly when you’re Muskie fishing, you’re going to miss 75-80% of your opportunities, guaranteed.

Now, what I’m talking about is those fish that follow your bait in. As soon as you see them, you want to do a proper figure 8. And it starts with looking behind your bait and below it, all the time. After you cast out, behind and below your bait.

If you spot a big fish coming in, do not slow down and make it easier, you actually want to speed up and try and make on ‘I’m going to take it away from that fish”, and it really supercharges the Muskie. Then go into a figure 8. We call it a figure 8, but I like those big wide circles.

Do not make it easier, do not bring your bait up, and do not let it fall. Just keep trying to take it away from the fish, and when you do that, those lookers become hooked Muskies.

Happy Fish’n,Gord “The Doc” Pyzer

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